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Hale, Ann
Biography, lyrics, list of services and sound clips for the songwriter.
Handscombe, John
English pianist, singer and songwriter. Provides song descriptions and RealAudio samples.
Hart, Matthew
Los Angeles-based songwriter. Includes a biography, photos, gig dates, contact information and reviews.
Harteveld, Pieter
Provides MP3 samples and links.
Harvey, Jeff
Singer, songwriter and composer from Phoenix, Arizona. Includes a biography, schedule, pictures and audio downloads.
Hawke, Brandy
Personal collection of original lyrics. Includes pictures and contact information.
Helm, Roy
Writer of ballads and country-western songs. Includes a brief profile, song descriptions and RealAudio samples.
Hinton, Keith
Showcases the songs and CDs of both the songwriter and the Global Nomad Music catalog. Provides links and MP3 samples.
Hutton, Alison
Lyrics of songs "waiting for music". Includes links to related sites.