english deutsch
All American Patriotic Music
Patriotic MIDI music files, wav sounds, MP3s: marches, patriotic, and military songs.
Armenian Patriotic Songs
MIDI files of the melodies and GIF files of the lyrics in the Armenian alphabet.
ATU - Showtune Midis
Dozens of selected MIDI files from various plays and musicals.
Disney MIDI
Music from almost every song of almost every Disney movie.
Jack's MIDI Music
American traditional and patriotic songs.
Jordan O'Connell Memorial Celtic MIDI Archive
Traditional arrangements.
KHS National Anthems Page
Texts and music for patriotic songs of the German-speaking countries.
Spanish/English. Star Wars, Robotech, Popular, Latin music, movies and TV.
Movie and TV MIDI Files
Quality archive and some self-sequenced MIDI, mostly Science Fiction themes. Fill-in-the-blanks beginners' MIDI sequencing exercise with answer file.
Munzel's MIDI files
Movie and TV themes specializing in Dragonheart.
National Anthem
National anthems of over 150 countries in MIDI format.
National Anthems of the World
MIDI files and some lyrics for the anthems of all countries.
National Anthems of the World in MIDI
MIDI anthems of all countries.
Songs of the Union
Civil War songs and lyrics.
The Great Midi Page
Though not as great as it says, this page has some of the recent songs and lots of television and movie MIDI files.
The John Williams MIDI Page
Many files from the work of this film music composer.
The Movie Music Page
MIDI main themes for several movies.
The Musical World of Rocky Horror MIDIs
Everything audio related to The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Includes over a gigabyte of MIDI and other sound files.
The Star Trek MIDI page
Large archive of Star Trek related MIDI files, more than 100 altogether; all main titles, many songs of Vic Fontaine and a mailing list.