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Acoustic Delta Blues: Crow Jane
Let Steve James teach you to play and sing the Delta blues classic ''Crow Jane''.
Acoustic Guitar Workshop
Online lessons in the art of fingerstyle acoustic blues, plus acoustic guitar resources and free ezine.
ActiveBass: Blues Bass Lessons
Blues bass guitar lessons created by ActiveBass members with bass tab and customizable music playback. For beginners and intermediate level players.
Cyberfret: Blues Guitar 101
Free guitar lessons covering the basics of blues.
School of the Blues
Study center for blues teaching harmonica, guitar, bass, piano/keys/organ and vocals in San Jose, CA.
Stefan Grossman: Blues Guitar Lessons
Commercial site that offers lessons on audio tape for beginners to advanced players. Covers general blues guitar, bottleneck & slide guitar and guitar styles of famous blues masters.
Swing Blues and Jump Blues Guitar
Jump Blues and Swing Blues Guitar is a complete and free instructional Jump Guitar method (interm/adv)
The Guitarists Network: Blues Lessons
Get some tips from blues experts. Topics include basic blues, blue note passing, turnarounds, licks, melody and scales.
Ultimate Guitar Archive: Blues Lessons
Beginners lessons covering theory and practice, provided by visitors of the archive.
WholeNote: The Blues Learning Track
Comprehensive site that includes lessons, instruction, articles and resources for the blues guitarist. Covers technique, theory basics, chords, riffs, scales, licks and soloing.