english deutsch
Reynolds, Malvina
Marvelous Malvina, MusicWeb Encyclopaedia: Reynolds, Malvina, Reynolds, Malvina, Reynolds, Malvina
Rosselson, Leon
Rosselson, Leon, Slipcue: Leon Rosselson
Rusby, Kate
BBC Radio: Kate Rusby, Kate Rusby - Official Site, The Greenman: Kate Rusby, 10, The Guardian: Kate Rusby
Rai, Julian
Popular punk-folk singer. Includes pictures, mp3 audio samples, biography, and a message board.
Rebel Voices
Duo Janet Stecher and Susan Lewis. Includes profiles, tour news, recordings, and workshops.
Richards, John
singer-songwriter from the United Kingdom. Includes biography, reviews, and performance dates.
Rogers, Garnet
Canadian born singer-songwriter and guitarist. Includes a biography, tour dates, discography, audio samples, reviews, and news.
Rose, Pam
Profile of a singer-songwriter. Includes samples of her music, and a discography.