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Welter, Paula Joy
FAME Review: Morning Light, FolkLib Index - Paula Joy Welter Discography, New Contact Information, Paula Joy Welter
Williams, Dar
A Little Dar Williams Page, Dar Williams Birthday Project, DarWeb, DarWilliams.net, Razor & Tie: Dar Williams, The Dar Museum, The Dar Web Ring, The Honesty Room
Wakami Wailers, The
Profile of a band specializing in interpreting Canada's history, through song and stories. Includes audio samples, and a gig-guide.
Watson, Bruce
Australian singer-songwriter who writes both satirical and serious songs. Includes news, album details, reviews, biography and gig guide.
Wenz, Annie
Performer who blends contemporary sounds with traditional influences. Includes profile, album details, audio samples, and tour dates.
Wesley, Lyndon
Australian singer-songwriter. Includes discography, gig guide, and a biography.
Wherries, The
Scottish and Irish folk music with 'Clydeside' humor. Includes biographies, album details, gig guide, and contact information.
Williams, Cal
South Australian singer-songwriter, working in the United Kingdom. Includes news, biography, discography, and pictures.
Wolf, Kate
Extensive collection of information about the late California folk singer, maintained by her family.
Wolfenberger, David
Singer-songwriter. Includes biography, tour dates, details of recordngs, and audio samples.
Woodson, Joyce
Singer-songwriter. Includes profile, discography, tour dates, lyrics, and reviews.
Wyndham-Read, Martyn
Profile of an English-born folksinger, whose interest was born during his stay in Australia; now resident in France. Includes a discography, tour dates, and details of his workshops.