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Burdick, Richard
Flutish playing the pipe love flute, the petroglyph love flute, and the standard love flute. With release information, instrument descriptions and pictures, and musician biography.
Cedar Wind
Blending the music of the Native American flute with the mellow sound of alto and bass flutes to create a unique duet. With performance schedule and release information.
Melodies performed on Native American flutes accompanied by soft acoustic guitars, piano, and strings. Samples online.
Greely, James
Biography, discography with audio samples and CD ordering, and flute history.
Littleleaf, Charles
Native American flutist, recording artist and flute maker, featuring music on CDs. Site also includes Littleleaf's profile, sound samples, interviews, and a link to his new creations in Native American flutes.
Nakai, R. Carlos
Native American flutist of the Navajo-Ute heritage. Artist pages on Canyon Records includes background, discography, and shopping.
Native American Flute Music: Spirit Tracker
Describes Native American flute music performed in the traditional style on a CD, featuring Eagle Warrior.
Osburn, Steve
Native American flute and contemporary new age artist. Includes brief background, song download, and related artists.
Raye, Marina
Native American flute music by the artist referred to as "The Feminine Voice of the Native Flute". Also, hand-crafted Native American flutes by Charlie Oakwind.
Saggio Healing Arts
Meditative, healing music by Saggio featuring over 16 flutes. Includes bio, information on his flute journey, and audio samples.
Spotted Eagle, Douglas
Native American flute player and performer. World renowned as a virtuoso performer on Native American flute and a preeminent composer of contemporary ethnic music.
The Flute Keeper
Site for flute player Giovanni de Carlo (Tdom Bah Todem Kxee), who has recorded two albums, offers workshops, presentations and performs at events across the U.S. With background, pictures, flute information, audio clips and release details.
Troy De Roche
The traditional and spiritual nature of the flute through music and instruments by an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Nation.
Youngblood, Mary
Flutist of Aleut and Seminole ancestry, and one of the first Native women to record this sacred instrument.