english deutsch
Allegheny College, American University, Amherst College, Appalachian State University, Bates College, Boston College, Boston University, Bowdoin College, Brandeis University, Brigham Young University
Competitions, Excalibur, Shallakazamm Singers
Professional Groups
Concordia, Four Shadow, Nylons, The, Rockapella, 'leven, Akane, the Voices of Japan, All About Buford, Blenders, Chicago a cappella, Counterpoint, Da Vinci's Notebook, Dale Warland Singers, Dickens and Company Christmas Carolers, Five O'Clock Shadow
Semi-Pro and Recreational Groups
4:2:Five, Acappella Singers, Akordo, Ashburton Singers, baSix, Berachah, Blind Man's Bluff, Coral Santa Teresa, Curfew, G-string ensemble
A four-part Jewish Acapella group from Indiana. History, members, music, photographs and contact details.