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Articles and Interviews
Chorus Teacher Reviews "Mouth Drumming", Portland Mercury: The Fifth Element, Disputing the, Varsity Online: The Lost Art of Beatboxing
Beatboxing 101 with Nelson and Fergus
[Vox-Humana.com] Video lessons instructing in the "basic noizes that are the foundation of beatboxing, through to fancier stuff like scratching and word warping." Includes lesson details and ordering information.
Benjamin Stevens - Vocal Percussion
Educator and board reviewer offers small collection of MP3 vocal samples, link to homepage.
Got Spit? : Percussion
Offers hints, tips, tricks, techninques, articles and links for vocal percussion performers and enthusiasts.
Mouth Drumming
Wes Carroll, the "human beatbox" with the San Francisco group, the House Jacks, offers video and private instruction as well as links to scheduled performances and instructional sessions. Biography, video sales.
Official website of vocal percussion / beatboxing virtuoso Tony Brown. Site includes concert schedule, tips and tricks, MP3 sound clips, biography, photos, and information on classes and private lessons.
Scat! Vocal Improvisation Techniques
[changingtones.com] Instructional book and CD by Bob Stoloff, covering vocal drum articulation, bass lines and drum grooves. Page includes description, cover scan, audio samples and ordering information.
The Box - Hip Hop Archive - Beatbox Audios
Old school rap archive with photos, MP3 samples and video clips of beatboxing legends.
Vocomotion, LLC
Ordering information for the TH60 throat microphone for amplifying live produced vocal percussion. Includes photos, technical specs and audio samples.