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A Miraculous Method of Singing
Article by Sami Jansson on throat singing in South Siberia, with bibliography.
California Throatsinger
Harmonic overtone singing mp3 web site, with free streaming of California style throatsinging.
Cole, Jim and Spectral Voices
Blendings in vast reverberant spaces to create vocal spacemusic. Includes sound clips, performance updates, and ordering information.
Healing sounds
Tibetan & Mongolian overtone chanting; ancestral lines, family fields,healing vibrations workshops.
Overtones Researches
Articles in English and French by Trân Quang Hai and others.
Purce, Jill: The Healing Voice
Mongolian overtone chanting, breathing and chanting techniques.
Rees, Ariane
Singing training and vocal coaching with profesional singer. Overtone chant, singing in pregnancy and breath control workshops for personal growth and development.
The Throat Singers of Tuva
Scientific American's feature article of September 1999.
The Universe of Harmonic Chant
The official site of David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir, whose music is derived from Asian overtone singing, includes biographies, CD shop, news, reviews, and calendar of concerts and teaching events.