english deutsch
Animal Review
"Fanzine of Herbivorous Youth", where editor Nell and others write about animals, noise, Wadi Tsin, and whatever else comes into their heads.
Ash Central
Specializes in sarcastic comedy, but "we also do windows, are good with kids and are cholesterol free".
bloody spew
An ever-developing project in autobiographical fiction and other gibberish.
Come Zero
Reviews, essays, interviews and fine-tuned fatalism from the webzine that's destined to draw a blank.
Features interviews with musicians, writers, and artists existing on society's fringes, with articles on bizarre phenomena, fortean subjects, and occult strangeness.
Juicy Cerebellum
An e-zine striving to be "the most surreal and insane read you'll ever come across".
Experimental styles of fiction and poetics as well as darkly inspirational quotes.