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Series Stories
Antelope Publishing Ongoing Mystery Tales, Armchair Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, Christopher Ford, Amateur Paranormalist, Homicide: The Game, UFO Monster Movie Murder
Short Stories
Andrew Vachss, Dorothy McFalls, HandHeldCrime, Murder, Mystery and Suspense, Ongoing Tales of Mystery, QESN: Two Minute Mystery Writing Club, The Frisco Foil stories
A Bomb Built in Hell
Written in 1973, it's the story of Wesley, a cold-blooded assassin.
City of Pillars
A man is pushed to the brink of madness as he tries to decode an ancient text and stop a secret conspiracy from taking over the world.
ClaudiaM's Art Site
Art related site containing Claudia Markovich's mystery novel entitled, "Nikola's Nightmares - A Mystery in the Art World".
Death is a Debt
In Regency England, a man promises to protect a mysterious woman, but his betrayal leads to her murder. Can he solve the crime? Full-length novel by Antony MacGinnis.
Detective Lieutenant Nick DeLeon
Original, hardboiled detective pulp-fiction. Offers text-only or multi-media options.
Field of Reeds
A story based around an electronic method of measuring the human soul. Where is the inventor?
Historical Deviation
The interactive novel of the film of the autobiography of a star of interactive films. A murder mystery too. You play the reader, and perhaps the assassin.
Murder in Pallatine
Fictionalized version of a real-life mystery in Illinois. From August 1962 issue of the pulp magazine "Inside Detective."
Mysteries of Time
Kendrick lived in the 2nd century and was amazed if not a little surprised when he invented a radio.
The Kusanagi Sword
A humorous mystery story by Ron Thomas. Set in 2011 in Sydney, Los Angeles and Fukuoka and revolving around an Australian official and his Japanese female counterpart.
Tile of the Summer Sun
Fictional novel concerning Vietnam, a stolen necklace and players of mahjong, by D.T. Kemmerly
Weed Killer
Weed Killer is an amusing murder mystery, set in Portland Oregon, concerning the fate of a small group of young slacker bohemians who unwittingly become caught up in a dangerous conspiracy to control the future of the city.
Whole Lot of Lying Going On
Mystery novel set in New York City.