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A Child's 9mm Semi-Automatic
A young woman's quest for religion, herself, and her place in this world. Poetry, thoughts, artwork, suicide letters.
C'mon Chicken
Personal writings.
The writer's life.
Journal of a girl as she grows and lives at college.
Calis - The Cranium Warehouse
The musings of a young man in poetry, philosophy and writings.
Carmen's Love Story
Journal of a woman dealing with some of life's issues.
Caro - Anything But
Invitation to the mind of Caro - law-student, Planned Parenthood volunteer, emigrant-to-be, idealist (says Keirsey), and sexpert in a 16,409 km long distance relationship.
Her life in words.
Cassanndra - She Utters Not A Sound
The story of a woman who feels she's forced to be silent, and to hide who she really is.
Caveat Browsor
Caveat Browsor is the online depository of Alex's neuroses -- browser beware. No longer updated. Ran from 1996-1999.
Chance, Mark - Required Field
Cobers family, politics, life, and fly fishing. Sometimes maddening, sometimes funny, sometimes boring, sometimes not.
Chaplin, Michael - The Chaplin.News
A New Yorker reports on life in and out of medical school.
Charabaruk, Christopher S. - The Icepit
Internet philosopher, game developer, open source programmer, pizza boy, and generic man-of-a-thousand-faces.
Cheeba, Sonnie - I've Paid for Your Sins, Now
A site which "isn't about anything in particular."
Cheri's Static
Chaos, white noise and the static in my head. An on-line journal.
CheshireDave - Mastication is Normal
Short essays by a writer and designer in northern California who uses semicolons early and often.
Chey - Welcome to My Mind
A Filipino-American male expresses his thoughts and ideas on society, life, experiences, America, and the world.
Childress, Alice
Provides a journal from a twenty-something post college graduate. Contains photographs and personal information.
Chloe and The Great Big World Thing
About the many non-adventures of Chloe (a college student) as she does pretty much nothing.
Cholsey, Arthur - A Life
A man in his 50's offers reflections of a husband, father, and air collector because "well, it's never too late."
Chuck'Stake - Thoughts From A Mind
His life in words.
Claire's Journal
A theme-based journal. Some entries are password-protected.
Cocoa - Caged
Journal of a J-rock fangirl.
Cogito Ergo Sum
Journal of Jenn, a 19-year-old literary and athlete majoring in Music Performance at the University of Toronto.
Computer Jargon
A relatively small web journal site of a geek just looking for others to converse about technology and cool stuff. Contains a messaging system, camera, voting booth, and virtual postcards.
Concrete Skyline
The inanities of one young man's day to day struggle to become a filmmaker.
Confabulist, The
One San Franciscan's struggle with epicurean enigmas, and culinary condundrums.
Confessions of a 20-Somethin' Goddess
The life of a sarcastic twenty-something.
Continuez - Moi Deviner
Journal of a college girl/web designer/musician/artist.
Cook's Diary
The writer's life.
Cora Chaos
The LiveJournal of a hell-cat turned housewife.
Corwin, M.F. - Eudaemonia
A series of short, almost poetic entries, including many references to books being read by the author.
Covey, Brian - Friction Free
A software developer hailing from Washington writes about his dreams, career, and moods.
A mother, reader and thinker writes about her life.
Cramper - All the Bitch You Can Eat
Includes logs, embarrassing pictures, and heaps of sarcasm.
Crawford, Joe - ArtLung
Enigmatic narcissism and miscellany of a guy from San Diego, California.
Crawford, Zane - The Life of
A man writes about the present (whenever that happens to be), without the benefit of hindsight. An exploration of daily life as it comes.
Crazy Wolf Bitch
Photojournal chronicling magic, love, being lost and found, motorcycles, random epiphanies, the power of friends, and the invincibility of women who choose to remain feral in the face of the domesticated mob.
The bittersweet life and times of a quirky young college girl.
Blog-style journal and poetry site.
Cup of J0e
His life in electronic form.
Cyber Journal - Bad Girl
The writer's miseries and experiences.
Cybil's Sanctuary
A place where she keeps her journal, pictures and some links to her favorite sites.
The Church of Caroline
The ramblings and such. Occasional amusing content and heavy use of parentheses.
The Crimson Chamber
A 20-something American artist.