english deutsch
Gabree, John -- Writing
Collection of reviews and commentaries on politics, design and planning, books, movies, periodicals, and music.
Garcia, Carlos David
Scripts, articles and other writings. Writer's resources, writing links, poetry links.
Gemma - The Bookshelf
Prose, poetry and essays.
Gianni, Kevin Mattew
Poems, music downloads, fiction story, and writing resoures.
Gibson, Dan - Stories and Poetry
A collection of short stories and poems.
Gildzen, Alex
Introduction to the writer's life and work, includes poetry, prose and mail art.
Gill, Brian H. - Brian's Attic
A collection of stories and articles.
Goatmonger's Goat Jelly
The author's personal writings and musings, photography, and art projects, as well as informational pages.
Goddard, Philip
Novels, stories, and poetry, with the full works for download.
Goldner, Liz - Art Writing
Freelance Artistic writing from Liz Goldner. Site includes informative reviews, articles, and contact information.
Goldstein, Ken
Short stories, memoirs and articles about politics, entertainment, Elvis, and life.
Gonzo Turtle
The quest for love, understanding and fulfillment, and the many paths for approaching them are explored in poetry, fiction, a TV script and a newsletter found at this site.
Grace - The Pink Ego
A site of random thoughts and short bursts of rambling words. Poetry, quotes, music, literature, and the like.
Gray Matter Sandwich
Movie reviews, an advice column, essays, art, science, satire, farce.
Gray, Justin - Big D Land
Plays, stories, and an essay that explore everything from a horror story to buying a slurpee at a 7-11.
Green, Paul - QBSaul Hypertexts
Features speculative fiction, audio drama, experimental poetry, and inter-media.
Gregory, R G -Towards a Cathedral of Ohs
An autobioraphy and samples of work by this dramatist, playwright and poet.
Grimwood, Jon Courtenay
Includes extracts from novels, interviews, reviews, science fiction articles, virtual girlfriends and smart drugs.
Grund, Harvey - Reality ... What A Concept!
Short stories, verse, and poetry.
Guruacharya, Anuj
Poems and stories.