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ART Circle of the Lakes
A consortium of nonprofit arts organizations from visual to performing arts and traditional to contemporary in format.
Bloomington Art Center
Offers youth and adult classes, exhibitions, a theater, and a listing of news and events.
Central Minnesota Arts Board
Non-profit organization promoting the arts in Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, and Wright counties, with headquarters in St. Cloud.
Community arts organization that provides technical assistance, artistic and organizational development activities, and grants to artists and agencies. Works to employ artists, put artists in public schools, and addresses local arts needs.
Five Wings Arts Council
Provides grants and services to nonprofit arts organizations and individual artists in Central Minnesota.
Forecast Public Artworks
Non-profit organization that facilitates the creation and discussion of public art in the Twin Cities. Includes art reviews, grant information, news, and links.
Free Arts Minnesota
A non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the healing powers of artistic expression into the lives of abused, neglected and at risk children and their families.
In Progress
Organization promoting new and emerging digital media artists in video and photography living in the state of Minnesota.
Intermedia Arts
A multidisciplinary center dedicated to engaging the power of the arts in addressing social and human issues and to supporting the work of contemporary artists. Includes event listings, artist opportunities, and opportunities for community involvement through the arts.
Lake Region Arts Council
Serves arts organizations, artists and arts consumers in West Central Minnesota through grants, technical assistance, workshops, a newsletter and other services.
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
A non-profit organization committed to supporting and stimulating the development and diversity of the arts. Offers workshops, grant information, a newsletter, and an events calendar.
Minnesota Artists Online
Offers to Minnesota-based artists a central gathering place on the Web, and will grow to become a marketplace and community hub, with news and featured artists.
Minnesota Citizens for the Arts
A statewide arts advocacy organization that organizes the arts community to lobby the Minnesota State Legislature and Congress. The mission is to ensure opportunity for all people to have access to and involvement in the arts.
Minnesota State Arts Board
Overview of agency plus information on publications, artists and grant programs.
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council
Provides promotion, technical and developmental assistance and grants to non-profit arts organizations, community groups, schools and individual artists.
Red Wing Arts Association
Calendar of events and information on how to get involved.
Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council
Providing support through grants and services for artists and arts organizations in southeastern Minnesota. Frames-dependent site.
Springboard for the Arts
Resources and counseling for the arts. Offers workshops, job listings, help planning your career or starting a non-profit art organization.
Visual Arts Minnesota
Creating opportunities for visual artists to exhibit and sell their work, providing resources for visual artists, students and educators, and fostering an appreciation for the visual arts.