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Celebrities - Lorenz Hart
Filmography and information about Lorenz Hart.
Encyclopedia.com - Results for Hart, Lorenz Milton
1895-1943, American lyricist; b. N.Y.C. Site requires free registration for use.
Lorenz Hart
Biography from the Rodgers and Hammerstein official site.
Lorenz Hart
Picture and information about the grave of Lorenz Hart including cemetery details.
Lorenz Hart
Lorenz Hart's filmography at IMDb
Lorenz Hart & Richard Rodgers
A small biography and a photo
Lorenz Hart a Poet on Broadway
Lorenz Hart biography by Frederick Nolan
Lyrics by Lorenz Hart
Includes lyrics, sound and MIDI files.
Lyrics Page Lorenz Hart
A collection of lyrics by Lorenz Hart and a couple of essays by Richard Rodgers & Irving Berlin
Rodgers and Hart: A Celebration
Review from the Bus Barn Stage Company's production of "Rodgers and Hart: A Celebration"
The Composers and Lyricists Database - Lorenz Hart
A small biography
The Rodgers & Hart Story: Thou Swell, Thou Wit
Official site of the TV documentary about the prolific songwriting duo. of Rodgers and Hart. Behind the scenes, photos and several links.
Yahoo! Movies: Lorenz Hart
A small filmography for Lorenz Hart.