english deutsch
Anne Carlini - Exclusive Magazine: Jennifer Love H
Russ Trunk's review: "These 12 tracks of pure, soft rock are actually, very good and enjoyable"
Entertain Your Brain: Jennifer Love Hewitt - BareN
Shawn McKenzie's review: "Hewitt has a great voice, and when you listen to the album, you eventually forget the actress and hear the singer."
Popentertainment.com: Jennifer Love Hewitt - BareN
Jay S. Jacobs' review: "Jennifer Love Hewitt actually has a terrific singing voice and it turns out she's not a bad songwriter either."
The Digital Collegian: Jennifer Love Hewitt - Bare
Caralyn Green's review: "Hewitt's pop candy is less offensive than Christina Aguilera's current dirty act, but it's also so ... bland."