english deutsch
IMdb.com - Art of Magic, The (1998) (TV), IMdb.com - Lookin' to Get Out (1982), IMdb.com - Magic in the Magic Kingdom (1988) (TV), IMdb.com - Roy Horn, IMdb.com - Showboy (2002), IMdb.com - Siegfried & Roy: Masters of the Imp, IMdb.com - Siegfried Fischbacher, IMdb.com - The Magic Box (1999)
Extratv.com : Siegfried and Roy: Lion in Wait
NBC may replace the Vegas show with the giant paws of Siegfried and Roy's famous big cats.
KLAS-TV: Drive-By Shooting at Home of Siegfried &a
A shooting targeting the home of entertainers Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn has been labeled a hate crime.
KRNV-TV: Senators may introduce legislation to &ap
If the Department of Agriculture doesn't back off demands for video of Roy Horn getting mauled by a white tiger, Nevada's senators may introduce legislation to settle the dispute.
Mauled magician Roy Horn tells German magazine he&
From TV station KRNV, Reno, Nevada.
Roy Horn of 'Siegfried Roy' Still Criti
From ABC News.
Sarmotiworld Fanclub
Fanclub site with both public and membership sections. Biography, animals and news. [English/German]
Siegfried & Roy
Official web site.
Siegfried & Roy
Mirage Resort, Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Performance and ticket information.
Siegfried and Roy - Walk of Fame Ceremony
A fan site showing appreciation for the magicians help in animal conservation.
The Cats of the Secret Garden
Dedicated to Siegfried and Roy and their Cats with photographs from The Secret Garden and links to their site.
Vegas Vigil For Roy Horn
CBS News coverage.