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Abbott, Giles
Storytelling for children and adults; audio clips, performance information, biography, poetry, and event and contact information.
AnSgeulaiche, Scot
Traditional Highland storyteller, gives workshops, educational performances, personal and corporate development, and Highland tours. Biography, client list, and audio clips. Argyll, Scotland.
Barrett, Alan
Storytelling, poetry, and workshops for children. Program details, testimonials, and contact information.
Bennett, Chris
Storyteller and performance poet who works in schools, community events, and parties. Southampton, England.
Breinholt, Gary
Storyteller and harper for primarily adult audiences; includes short stories and audio clips. Nottingham, England.
Brown, P. D.
Performs for adults and children. Story lists, reviews, fees, and contact details. Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Carr, Mary
Performs children's stories as plays, acting the different characters in costume. Program details, biography, workshop and contact information. Derbyshire.
Cawkwell, Katy
Storytelling for adults and children in theaters, festivals, schools, businesses. Event and performance information.
Cousins, Laura
Storytelling and traditional performances for children and adults. Program details, instrument descriptions, photographs, pricing, and contact information. Bournemouth, Dorset.
Edgar, John
Original retellings of Breton folk tales. Program and event listings. Wolverhampton.
Firebrace, Francis
Australian Aboriginal storyteller uses art and dance in his performances. Site includes performance schedule, photos, artwork, and biography. Surrey, UK
Gillespie, Bill
Storytelling for schools. Includes program descriptions and references. Blackpool.
Graal, Kevin
Programs for children and adults. Site includes program information, recent projects, and contact information. London, England.
Harris, John
Performs exclusively for young audiences. Biography, program details, price list, testimonials, and photos.
James, David
Storytelling performances for all ages. Site includes performance and workshop descriptions, education resources, and booking information. Weymouth, Dorset.
Kalu, Peter
Children's storyteller, author, and poet. Biography, program details, contact information, book and screenplay descriptions, and poetry. Oldham.
Keal, Pete
Storytelling for all ages. Program descriptions, biography, and contact information. Hebden Bridge, England
Langley, Graham
Children's storyteller and educator. Site includes performance information, photographs, articles, and links. Matlock, Derbyshire.
MacNeil, Paraig
Traditional Scottish storyteller for all ages; includes biography, stories, poems, audio clips, contact information, and links. Dunblane, Perthshire.
Manwaring, Kevan "Tallyessin"
Storyteller, poet, author, teacher and bard. Event listings, testimonials, workshop and publication descriptions. Bath.
O'Leary, Michael
Storyteller and musician, performs for children and adults. Event listings, PDF brochure, testimonials, pricing and contact information. Southampton.
Rogers, Graham
Specializing in performances for children aged 4 to 11. Biography, photos, children's drawings, and program information. South of England.
Storytelling Unplugged
Charity which uses professional storytellers, musicians and educators to work with children and those with emotional, mental or physical special needs. Scotland.
Weare, Liz
Storytelling for children and adults. Also has information on camp site with storytelling events. Cushendall, Northern Ireland.
Whittaker, Alan
Storytelling and puppetry for all ages. Program information, links and poetry.
Wilson, Charlie
Storytelling in schools, theaters, festivals, and parties. Biography, event listings, and information on voice overs.