english deutsch
Antonio Rocha, Cyber-Tech, Dr. Tom's Semi-Silent Theatre, EntsWeb, Hooded Mimes Kickn Faygo, La Frenie, Stephen, Majumdar, Partha Pratim, Marcel Marceau Foundation, Mark Wenzel, Mime Central
Theater Companies
American Academy of Mime, AToM: atheatreofmime, Axis Theatre Company, Celebration Barn Theatre, Discovery Mime Theatre, Kapoot Clown Theater, Magic Circle Mime Company, Michael Lee and Opus Mime, Nowak's Theater, Pontine Movement Theatre
Anna Dresdon, Ecole de Mime Corporel Dramatique, Goldston Mime Foundation, Le Centre Du Silence, Mime Theatre Studio, Montanaro-Hurll Theatre of Mime and Dance, Pantomime Theatre Workshop, The American Mime Theatre, The Sydney Playroom, Trident School of Mime
Etienne Decroux's Corporeal Mime
Information about, and links to, schools and workshops, companies, events, books, and video related to Decroux and the current theatrical work he and his Mime Corporel have influenced.
Flemish Mime Federation
Umbrella organization in Belgium's Flanders region comprising a festival and mime center. In English, Dutch, and French.
Mime Journal
Annually published book-sized journal focused on Etienne Decroux and Corporeal Mime, with editions on mime-related subjects such as history, modern development, and related theatre arts.
The World of Mime Theatre
International mime theatre information, including a library, resources, performer contacts, and events calendar.