english deutsch
Devoted to story telling, and particularly to the plays of Shakespeare as adapted on the modern stage and screen.
Proper Elizabethan Accents
Pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, forms of address, insults and cursing, and songs of the times.
Shakespeare 4 Kidz
An innovative Web site for children, with interactive features and everything you need to know about putting on your very own Shakespearean extravaganza.
Shakespeare Globe Centre Australia
Information about Shakespearean teaching and performance in Australia.
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand
Promotes, encourages and facilitates the performance, appreciation and study of the works of William Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
Stratfordians: A Dictionary of the RSC
A dictionary of the Royal Shakespeare Company, including entries on actors, directors, designers, plays and theatres. With alphabetical and category index.
The Play's the Thing
An easy-to-navigate archive of Shakespeare's plays, with streaming audio clips of speeches from the plays.
The Plays of Shakespeare
The Electronic Literature Foundation's presentation of Shakespeare's plays, each with its own search engine, concordance, quotes, and other information.