english deutsch
4 Shades of Gray
A Game Boy Camera gallery; contains photos, links, and equipment information.
Anderson, Kristine M.
Toy camera and Polaroid image transfer galleries.
Campbell, Georgina
Includes toy camera work, including a gallery of Holga images and info about toy cameras.
Capturing Mermaids with a Holga
Photographer June Lang's detailed article on the camera.
Plastic vintage medium format photography. Portfolio of photographs taken with the Agfa Click, Agfa Clack, Diana, Stellar, Holga, Birdseye, Debonair, Savoy, Sabre and several from the Ansco and Brownie camera families.
Digital Sucks
Holga site featuring: Picture Of The Day, plastic camera galleries (open to submissions from all plastic-camera shooters), and a bulletin board.
Elvis the Fish
Photoblog of images made by a small plastic pencam.
Photos featuring various aspects of Japan, captured using lomo and toy cameras.
Game Boy Camera: Gallery and Tutorial
A site devoted to this camera.
Gerber, Tomas
Portfolio of photographs made with a Holga camera. [German and English]
Holga and Toy Camera
Contains information, techniques, links and galleries.
Holga Creations & Digital Jam
Featuring galleries and modification resources.
Holga de Kiss
Galleries of photographic work.[English and Japanese]
Catalog featuring many hard-to-find cameras including Woca, pinholes, 3D, and pocket cameras.
Images of
Travel photos taken with a Diana camera.
Imperial Debonair
Album of toy camera photo galleries.
Merrill, Marcy
Encyclopedic listing, humorous information, and galleries of more than eighty plastic cameras.
Modifying the Holga
Includes instructions and illustrations.
Paul's Holga
A small site about a camera named Helga. Includes a gallery of the author's work.
PhotoBlaster Worship Page
Information on this Nickelodeon toy camera.
Chicago and Tokyo cityscapes, recorded by Holga and pinhole cameras.
Roberts, Garrett
Experimental and eerie images, including Holga and infrared galleries.
Diana, Lomo, Holga, Modified Pin-Holga, and 3D photograph galleries.
Smith, Claudia
Collection of plastic camera photography, such as the Velveeta, Jam Cam, and Holga.
Stiles, Andrew
A gallery of Holga images taken while author was swimming with the camera in hand.
Stiles, Paul A.
Galleries containing Holga and Polaroid images.
Surprenant, James M.
Information, tips, and galleries on Agfa, Argus, Holga, and Pentax cameras.
The Great Lakes Area Plastic Cameras
Exhibits of photographers, tips, and message board.
The Holgasmers
A group of Holga enthusiasts. Features numerous photos and projects.
The Original Toy Camera Home Page
A site devoted to promoting the genre with galleries featuring numerous artists.
Ziem, Andrew
Galleries and details of Argus, Holga, and Ektralite photography.