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Canoe: The Adventures of Pete and Pete
Review and synopsis of the show.
Internet Movie Database: The Adventures of Pete an
Cast and crew listing, guest stars, user comments, synopsis, quotes, and technical details.
Pete Shrine
Episode guide with reviews, downloads, and character information.
The Adventures of Pete and Pete
FAQs, character and episode guides, pictures, and information on locations and music used in the show.
The Adventures of Pete and Pete
Brief character guide and fan's list of favorite quotes.
The Kids on Cranson Street
Episode guide, quotes, facts about the characters and actors, poll, pictures, message board and FAQs.
The Web Site of Pete and Pete
Includes cast information, episode guide, pictures, press, merchandise list, and a campaign to resurrect the show.
Wellsville: Pete and Pete's House
Sounds, pictures, episode guide, and music guide.