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Blue's World
Character information, song lyrics, quizzes and message board.
Brit's Blue's Clues Puppy Place
E-cards, games, coloring pages, and sounds.
Cincinnati Enquirer: "Blue's Clues"
Article discussing the switch from Steve to Joe, along with other show changes.
DLTK's Crafts for Kids: Blue's Clues
Craft and cake templates, coloring pages, games and printable cards.
Mickey's Blue's Clues
Art, images, and links.
Nick Jr.: Blue's Clues
Official site with information on the show and resources for parents, along with games, printable projects, e-cards, recipes and video clips. [Requires Flash.]
The Ways of the Blue Dog
Fan site for Steve and Joe and the actors who play them. Episode guide, fan art, image galleries, song lyrics and message board.
We Love Blue's Clues!
Fan site with links, activities and downloads.