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CNN.com: "Reading Rainbow" fights for su
In a plea for the life of "Reading Rainbow," host LeVar Burton returned to a familiar setting: the stage where he picked up the PBS show's seventh Emmy Award for best children's television series.
KCTS: Reading Rainbow Young Authors and Illustrato
Seattle PBS affiliate's site with stories by previous winners, rules, and entry forms.
PBS Kids: Reading Rainbow
Features activities, games, book reviews, young authors' and illustrators' stories, and information on the host.
Reading Rainbow
The official site for the PBS program starring LeVar Burton. Features detailed program descriptions, activity suggestions, kids games, and a broadcast schedule.
Reading Rainbow Index of Programs
Program descriptions and activity suggestions for many books featured on the show.
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb): Reading Rainbo
Credits, message boards, awards, and nominations.
TV Tome: Reading Rainbow
Show information and credits.
WVIZ: Reading Rainbow Winners 1998
Young Writers and Illustrators contest winners.