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Best Local Boy Made Good
A small biography of Rich Kronfeld, who plays Wally Hotvedt on the show.
Brainerd Dispatch: Sedahl hopes success of 'L
Sedahl comments on his future with Let's Bowl and comments on the second season of the show.
Brainerd Dispatch: Sedahl plays commentator
Article from a newspaper in Sedahl's hometown, one of the actors on the show.
IMDb: Let's Bowl
Cast, crew, and production information, as well as viewer comments.
Interview with Tim Scott
Short interview with one of the producers of the show.
Let's Bowl
Official site of the show. Includes biographies, video, and information about its fan club.
Let's Bowl Experience
Images from one person's experience at a Let's Bowl taping in 1998.
MNFilm.org: "Let's Bowl" wraps prod
An article including general information about the show.
The Daily Beacon: Comedy Central introduces Let&ap
An Associated Press article on the show, with some background information, and quotes from Rich Kronfeld.
The Totally Radical Online Episode Guide
Contains an episode guide from the original 13 episodes that aired in the Twin Cities area.