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About.com:The Osbournes
News and reviews of the show, as well as information about Ozzy, Sharon, Aimee, Kelly, and Jack Osbourne.
Heavy Metal Message Boards
Message boards for the show, as well as forums to talk about heavy metal music groups.
IMDb: Osbournes, The
Cast, crew, and production information.
MTV UK: The Osbournes
Includes news, series overview, and ringtones.
Ozzy and Ozzie: TV family guys, one tattooed
Christian Science Monitor article reviewing the show.
The Osbourne's Fans
Includes message board, photos, and link for fan submissions.
The Osbournes
MTV's official site: reality-based comedy that follows the lives of Ozzy Osbourne and his family.
The Osbournes
Music jukebox, e-cards, wallpaper, AIM icons, and video excerpts.
The Osbournes
Includes family facts, news, quotes, discography, and sounds.
The Osbournes
Features sound clips from the show.
The Osbournes Files
Message board with topics including members of the family and the show.
The Osbournes Quotes and Best Moments Website
Selected snippets of dialogue and events from the series.
TV Tome: The Osbournes
Episode guide with original airdates, as well as links to cast and crew information.