english deutsch
Walker, Joy
Joy Walker paints on sheets of flat cut- out metal. Her instinct for metaphor and color is electric in her astonishing highly focussed abstract works.
Walsh, Charles
Collection of brightly colored geometric abstract oil paintings.
Walters , Birgit
Austrian artist shows her new paintings as well as a cross-section of works from the last years. Includes list of exhibitions.
Whitney, Geraldine
The works of this conceptualist artist have a shimmering, ethereal quality creating an optical illusion. Smooth surfaces executed with a spray gun.
Wiermann, Stephanie
Gallery site of graphic designer Stephanie Wiermann. Abstract paintings on wood. Colour, space and form.
Wilber, Ron
Abstract oil paintings created through the use of symbolism.
Wuethrich, Stephan
Modern art paintings and abstract designs by Swiss artist .