english deutsch
Sanches, R. F.
Painting oil on canvas with figurative traces. The view of subconscious elements, which express his life history, showing a new and different word. His artworks aim the reflexion of a human psyche.
Sand, Mandy
Israeli painter displays fantastic landscape, still life, and portrait in oil, and drawing.
Sebor, James
Portfolio of paintings, prints, and Flash work. Also contains short glossary of surrealism, including extensive quotations from the founders.
Shelegov, Boris
Day dreams - Surrealistic paintings of Ukrainian artist.
Spivak, Alexander
Paints in a surrealist style which he calls Poetic Symbolism. Has images, curriculum vitae, and review article.
Staal, Daniel
Dutch artist, exhibiting macabre surrealist paintings.
Sterling, Kim
Murals, drawings, paintings, and odd art, visual and literary. With biography.
Strauss, Fernando
Art intended to evoke an experiential response. Images and biographical data.