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Bodies intertwined, renaissance muscles, elongated features, deep eyes, all the elements of his art form a consolidated unit.
Cerro, Lynne
Figurative watercolors rendered in the style of Classical Realism. Portrait commissions accepted.
Chapman, Gary
Figurative oil paintings by the artist.
Church, Marilyn
Acrylics, crayons, pencil, oil, watercolor. Artworks include portraits and figurative pieces.
Ciapanna, Gottardo
Italian painter very much inspired by Caravaggio. Oil paintings.
Cipollone, Rosanne
Ongoing exhibit "Children with Hats" containing paintings and drawings which will someday benefit children without hats. Also, recent figure studies in raw sienna and graphite washes.
Comnick, Julie
Narrative realistic compositions of figures and objects with surealistic themes.
Coombes, John
Presents work of Huddersfield-based artist and writer. Contains examples of his work, background information and advice on commissioning a portrait.
Realistic renderings with contrasting light and shadow. Subjects include nudes, portraits and angels.
Craig Srebnik - Nude Paintings
Dramatic lighting and a full range of skin color values enhance these traditional female nudes.
Crook, P.J.
English woman painter of grotesque crowds, rendered in strongly colored acrylic.