english deutsch
Painted Woman
Female nudes. An intuitive and sensual catharsis by self taught Mound City painter K. Richardson.
Rahmani, Pantea
Iranian painter studies the draped female figure and its surrounding space. Has images and a biography.
Rasporich, Paul
One of the leading figurative painters in Canada.
Ridgway, Liz
Compositions with a quiet, dignified interpretation of the human form against a flat pattern of shapes and elements. A muted palette also suggests a contemplative, dreamy quality.
Robb, Rachael
Candid realistic portraits of people and animals often rendered with a mood of mystery and tension.
Ronkin, Emmanuel
A young Israeli artist (1941-1967), whose work was exhibited at all major Israeli museums, was born in 1941 in Kibbutz Kfar Massaryk, Israel and died on the Golan Heights in the 'Six Days War'.
Rosamond, Christine
The life and art of the most published female artist in history.
Ross, Olsen
A gallery of ironic, large scale self-portraits.
Russov, Lev
Portraits, nudes, and other figure paintings by the Russian artist Lev Russov (1926-1988). Selected works from private collections. Includes biographical note and photographs by the artist.