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A Love of Monsters: Gargoyles and Architectural De
Amateur enthusiast Amelia Wilson tours us round the wealth of Gothic Revival carving in New York: creatures real and fantastic, and mock-medieval figures.
About Gargoyles
Photography of gargoyles from the North Star Gallery with background information, links and history of gargoyles and grotesques.
Paul Gambling explains the etymology and history of these sculptured grotesques. Photographs from around Europe, with special section on Norfolk parish church gargoyles. Bibliography and related links.
Gargoyles and Medieval Culture
Amy Begier explores the relationship between gargoyles and medieval culture.
Gargoyles and Other Monsters
German site with an in depth look at gargoyles, grotesques, the Green Man, chimeras and other medieval beasties in Norman and English Gothic architecture. In English.
The Gargoyle Hunter
Amateur photographer Todd Hansell captures gargoyles and grotesques on camera, along with the US Gothic Revival buildings he finds them on.