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Spell Checkers
Ispell, 2002 Spellink Multilingual Pro, ActivSpell Server Side Spell Checker, AfterScan, Alcoda Software, As-U-Type, Aspell Spell Helper, AutoSpell, Björn's Online Spellchecker, Checking Out Three Freestanding Spell Checkers, DbNetSpell
Cypress Media Group: Software for Writers
This site offers writing software designed by professional writers and editors. Learn the secrets of writing in a clear, concise and correct style.
Do Grammar Checkers Work?
Critical report on the effectiveness of Grammatik V based on samples of essays by EFL students. Paper presented at EUROCALL.
Proofreads text for grammar, spelling, style, and mechanics errors and problems ignored by major word processors' checking tools. Provides examples, explanations, and suggestions.
A program for all word processing applications to add accented characters to text. Especially suitable for language departments in educational establishments.
Grammar Slammer
Grammar reference in Windows Help file format. Shareware.
Universal interactive grammar checking, spelling checking, dictionary, thesaurus, autocorrect, and autotype tool that works with virtually every program on your Mac computer.
A text mode menu and window-driven user interface for dictionaries. Includes a dictionary manager, quick word lookup, and configurable color schemes.
iFinger Electronic Reference
Software for Windows, which provides direct offline access to various commercial dictionaries and reference sources. Demos, detailed product information, online ordering.
Machina Sapiens
Software company specializing in linguistic engineering. The Bilingual Grammar Checker, El Corector, CorText, programs for French, English, and Spanish, for Linux and Windows.
Convert numbers and currencies into words. Suports 17 languages and 93 countries.
Software for conjugating verbs in modern and extinct languages, including English. Free to use online or pay for the downloadable version.
WordWeb Developer
WordWeb Developer's COM object allows you to add thesaurus/dictionary functionality to your applications.
Wordz Toolbar
Free, instant, one click access to dictionary and thesaurus definitions and spell checking from a toolbar on your web browser. Free software that contains no adware or spyware. By Socket Software.