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Aquatic LLC
An Armenian company exporting crayfish from Sevan Lake. Product information and contacts
C Farms LLC
Supplier and distributer of farm-raised conch and clams, Miami Lakes, Florida. Product information and contacts.
Ceatech USA Inc
A Colorado corporation with shrimp farming facilities in Hawaii. Corporate and product information, news articles and contacts.
Coral Sea Farms
Saltwater aquaculture farm located in North Queensland Australia producing Black Tiger Prawns, and Barramundi. Product information, photogallery, contacts.
Galway Bay Oysters
An Aquaculture Company on the West Coast of Ireland, specialising in the growing of Gigas Pacific Oysters.
High Health Aquaculture Inc.
Supplier of domesticated shrimp broodstock to shrimp farming companies worldwide.
Hillard Bloom Shellfish Inc
Farms and supplies oysters and clams in Long Island Sound, USA. Product information, cultivation methods, contacts.
Kona Bay Marine Resources
Suppliers of pathogen free shrimp broodstock and certified hard clam seed in Hawaii. Product information and contacts.
Molokai Sea Farms
Supplier of specific pathogen free and specific pathogen resistant shrimp broodstock worldwide, based in Hawaii. Product information, training and employment opportunities, contacts.
NaturalShrimp International
Raises, harvests, and sells shrimp produced by using patented aquaculture technology.
Rocky Point Prawn Farm
Hatch and sell several varieties of fresh water prawn at Rocky Point in Queensland Australia. Adult prawn exporter to Japan and SE Asia in live and green-chilled form.