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Associations, Breeders, Suppliers and Equipment, A Pacapacas Alpaca Farm, Alberta Rose Alpacas, Alpaca Finder UK, Alpaca Stud Central, Alpaca World Magazine, Alpaca.com, AlpacaNation, Alpacas and Alpaca Products in the UK, Alpacas for Sale, Alpacas of Alberta Ranch
A-Z of the Arabian Camel, Australian Camel, Camels, Camels breeding, Oasis Camel Dairy, The Stables Yanchep
Esgyrn Guanaco Fibre and Livestock, Estancia Chacay
Associations, Breeders, Hiking and Packing, News and Media, Supplies and Equipment, Charlie The Llama, Llama Web, Llamapaedia, Llamas, Lovin "R" Llamas, Rainbow Park Llamas - Dudley & Sammy Fan Club, River Hills Llamas, Southeast Llama Rescue, Spring Valley Farm, Sprout Family Llamas
2002 Llama and Alpaca Lovers Round-Up
A two day event centered around llamas and Alpacas. On July 24-25, 2002. Located on San Juan Island in Washington State, USA.
Alpaca Rescue
This is a forum to list rescued alpacas or llamas. This is also a forum for placement of rescued alpacas or llamas.
Autumn Sky Alpacas
Family owned alpaca farm in central Illinois. Raises huacaya alpacas for show and breeding stock.
Offers llama and alpaca training programs. Program and contact details.
Cedars Edge Llama Farm
Llamas and alpacas for breeding stock and for sale. Herd management, auction preparation, transport and stud services also available. Located in Diagonal, Iowa, USA.
East Brook Farms
Offering Alpacas and llamas for sale and presenting custom knit and woven garments from their fibers. Located in Walton, NY, USA.
Gentle Spirit Training
Alpaca and llama training and behavior information and articles. Host your own training clinic anywhere.
John Mallon Clinics
Clinics help llama, alpaca, and horse owners understand and work with their animals. Discover an easy-to-learn, one-person, fast, safe way to "do business" with your animals.
Lamas of OZ
Breeders of Suri and Huacaya Alpacas and champion quality Llamas. Located in Osgoode, ON, Canada.
Llama and alpaca events
Llama and alpaca events including shows, open barns, and fun days, veterinary and other conferences, and training clinics.
Llama and Alpaca Vets in Tennessee
Search by region or by keyword for veterinarians experienced with camelids.
Llama Rose Farm
Farm with Peruvian and Bolivian llamas, a Bactrian camel, Suri and Huacaya alpaca pets. Offers hosting for parties and special events and some photography tips. Located in Poulsbo, WA, USA.
Catalog of llamas and alpacas for sale across the US.
Offers llamas and alpacas breeding services.
Pleasant View Llama Farm
A small ranch offering Bolivian llamas, Suri alpacas, breeding services, stock, and fiber for sale. Located in Central Point, Oregon.
Shuswap Lake Haven
Breeders of llamas and alpacas. Located in north central British Columbia, Canada.
Stillwater Minerals and Salt for Llamas and Alpaca
Vitamins and minerals specifically formulated for llamas and alpacas Stillwater Minerals used the highest quality and most natural ingredients available.
Tree Breeze Farm
Offering full Bolivian llamas and colored Suri alpacas.Stud Service available to: Excellente of Bolivia, Chewbaca and Lucien. Located in Central Point, OR, USA.