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Mrs North Florida International 2001 - Cammie Sand
Cammie Sanders, Mrs. North Florida International has won several titles. This site is a gateway to each of the title sites she represents.
Mrs. Florida International
Showcasing the accomplishments of today's married women. Entry, rules and regulations information provided.
Mrs. International Pageant
Showcasing the accomplishments of today's married women. We provide all the information you need to enter, including entry form, rules, contest information, etc.
Mrs. Ohio International
Celebrating beauty and chievement as a married woman with recognize for her devotion to her family, professional life and community.
Mrs. Rhode Island International Pageant
Official Preliminary to the Mrs. International Pageant. This pageant showcases the accomplishments of today's married woman. Contestants are judged in three categories: Interview, Aerobic Wear and Evening Gown.