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Bruckheimer, Jerry
Producer's biography and credits as well as links and movie trailers.
Curry, Annemarie
Biography of the executive producer of Hard Luck.
Duncan, Craig
BBC trained producer is one of the youngest to produce a category 1 live outside broadcast for BBC1.
Galan, Nely
Biography of the media and television producer focusing on the Latin market.
Jordan, Jacquie
Producer of television daytime personalities, topical television shows and lighter entertainment.
Kovler, Mickey
Israeli film producer and the man behind Hocus Focus Films.
Travis, Carolyn
Executive producer and writer. Site includes biographical information, credits, and projects.
Whiskerino Productions
A studio that made weird eccentric British movies. Information on films and actor profiles, news and forums.
Wild Heart Studios
Original film and television productions as well as an acting and filmmaking school.