english deutsch
Weak & Foolish Productions
TV, film and commercial production support, film finance, CD-ROM creation, Macromedia web design. Includes screen writers chat, film makers bookstore, sample clips, resume, and location photos.
Weston Point Studios Ltd
Video, photographic, and graphic design production company. Includes explanation of services, contact information, and special offers.
Whatantics Productions
Film and video production company based in Detroit. Projects, news, and staff profiles.
Wide Angle Films
Offers complete packaging, creative direction and editing services. The site provides details about their clients, work and achievements.
Wild Iris Films UK LTD
Film and video production and post-production, web content and web solutions.
Wilderness Films India Ltd.
Broadcast and television services, location services, post production, in house production, stills and stock footage, books and publishing services, equipment rentals and sales.
Worldwide Filmworks
Company specifically designed to create media projects for Internet broadcast.