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Insituform Technologies v. CAT
Specifications and Standards
ASTM C1208/C1208M-99a Standard Specification for V, ASTM D1784-99a Standard Specification for Rigid Po, ASTM D5813-95 Standard Specification for Cured-In-, ASTM F1216-98 Standard Practice for Rehabilitation, ASTM F1504-97 Standard Specification for Folded Po, ASTM F1533-97 Standard Specification for Deformed , ASTM F1606-95 Standard Practice for Rehabilitation, ASTM F1697-96 Standard Specification for Poly(Viny, ASTM F1741-96 Standard Practice for Installation o, ASTM F1743-96 Standard Practice for Rehabilitation
Vendor Libraries
British Gas: Library of Pipebursting and Swagelini, Danby Pipe Rehabilitation - Technical Manuals, InRock Drilling Systems - Features, Insituform Technologies -- Resource Room, Soltau Articles, TT Technologies Job Stories
Introduction to Trenchless Technology
ISTT prepared document produced as an introduction to the use of Trenchless Technology for the installation, replacement and renovation of underground utility services. Dealing with a recently developed technology, which is advancing rapidly, it is intended as a first source of reference, and does not presume to cover the application of all available techniques.