english deutsch
Producer of table tennis skill aids designed to improve table tennis skill levels. Provides information.
Product descriptions for this German manufacturer's line of tables, blades, rubbers, robots and accessories.
Product information and contacts for this manufacturer of rubber, blades, balls, table systems and robots.
Products, information center and contacts for this manufacturer of robots (practice machines).
Makes a table tennis robot and ball machine. Online catalog.
Push-n-Play Pong
Makes a ball dispenser and storage unit holds up to 16 balls.
Shanghai Double-Happiness (Group) INC
Manufacturer and exporter of table tennis tables, balls, and rackets.
Sweden Table Tennis AB
Manufactures balls, blades, bats, rubbers, tables, nets, and accessories and apparel for table tennis. Includes distributor list and related links.
The Triple-P (Ping Pong Partner)
Designer contacts for a solo practice machine that makes the return of the ball unpredictable.
Manufacturer of net systems, balls, paddles and accessories; site is in German, English and French.
Product descriptions and contacts for this German manufacturer of practice machines.