english deutsch
Information on this company's wine corks and cork production including factory processes, R&D and quality control. With news, publications and generic information about cork as a wine closure.
Amorim Group
Manufacturer of cork bottle stoppers for the wine industry. Includes detailed product and technical information, and a description of the manufacturing process.
Portuguese cork stopper manufacturer. Company information and relevant information about wine bottling.
Spanish producers of cylindrical cork stoppers for wine.
Colombin GM & Figlio Spa
Offers a variety of cork closures for wine and sparkling wine.
Cork Supply - Australia
Manufactures natural cork wine stoppers, capsules, muselets, barrels, staves and and oak products for wine making and bottling. Service area includes Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, China, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.
Edmundo Alves Ferreira
Portuguese corkstopper manufacturer.
Fontes Pereira
Produces corks made of natural material, namely "specialities".
Gruart La Mancha, S.A.
Manufacturers of cork stoppers for wine bottles. Spain.
Wine closures including synthetic wine corks and stoppers.
Jelinek Cork Group
Manufacturer and distributor of cork products including synthetic and natural corks for the wine industry. Product range with detailed descriptions.
Mureddu Sugheri
Produces cork stoppers for still and sparkling wines made from natural cork as well as from composite materials.
Newpak USA
Providing Nomacorc brand synthetic corks to the wine industry as an alternative bottle closure.
Manufacturer of synthetic wine corks and bar top bottle closures. Site in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.