english deutsch
Speeches and documents from Former members, leaders, lawsuits and business analysis.
Amway and Rules Enforcement
On-line petition to the FTC to examine Amway's enforcement of retail selling rules by the MLM Survivors Homepage.
Amway Sucks
David Touretzky's site includes a mirror of "Amway: The Untold Story" and a contest to guess the date Timothy Delaney sends him a subpoena.
Amway/Quixtar Memory Hole, The
Stories about the Amway experience in the 1970s and 1980s, many mirrored from other sites which have been shut down.
Amway: The Continuing Story
Pages include: evidence that Amway is a cult, an Amway terms pages, and contact information for every company found in the Amway catalogs.
Amway: The Untold Story
Mirror of comprehensive site by Sidney Schwartz, filled with useful information and documented with price comparisons and success statistics.
Distributors sue Amway, claim misrepresentation
[Bloomberg Business News]
ex-cult.org: Amway
Site mirrors of several Amway sites.
MLM Survivors Homepage: Quixtar
Links to press articles about Quixtar, Amway's attempt to re-invent itself on the internet.
My Civic Responsibility Section... Just Don't
List of Amway links
Perils of Amway, The
A critical look at the Amway corporation, including two personal stories, arguments and discussion, and reader mail.
Religious Movements Homepage: Amway
Study of Amway as a para-religion.
She Did It Amway
"Amway funded Sue Myrick (R-N.C.) and taught her to reach the top by climbing on the backs of people on the bottom. Now she's pushing the company's conservative agenda and its expansion into markets abroad." [Mother Jones]
Unreviewed links to about 20 sites critical of Amway.
Skeptic's Dictionary: Amway (Quixtar)
Encyclopedia-type article about Amway.
Unofficial Amway FAQs
Commentary on inaccurate and misleading statements in the official Amway FAQ list.
Worldwide Dreambuilders and The Things They Will S
Experiences of ex-member of Worldwide Dreambuilders program
Mirrors the Nightmare Builders.