english deutsch
Above the Horizon
Information, courses and resources for 2G and 3G wireless networks & devices, including technical, business and marketing aspects.
Accelerated Systems
Offers training courses on real time operating systems (RTOS) and embedded systems.
APIS Training & Seminars
Guide to independent competence in Mobile Telecom and Wireless Internet. Training and Seminars provides courses through in-house training, open courses or over the Internet.
GigaWave Technologies
Provides instructor-led and online courses for wireless local area networks (WLAN), wireless LAN bridging, wireless LAN security and other emerging technologies.
Global Wireless Education Consortium
Non-profit organization providing wireless curriculum for colleges and industry.
Institute For Wireless Education
Provides education for engineers, technicians, and others involved in the wireless industry. Includes course details and registration information.
Link Consulting
Recruitment firm that also offers multi-day wireless telecoms training courses.
Offer training to telecom professionals working with evolving GSM toward GPRS, UMTS and other 3G technologies.
Wray Castle
Provider of Telecommunications and Wireless technology engineer training. Public and Custom courses available.