english deutsch
CINET. International Committee of Textile Care
Belgium. Roof organization for national textile care associations. Industry news and technical data. List ofmember companies. Links to related sites.
HSIA. Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance, Inc
USA. Trade organization for nationwide equipment manufacturers, and producers, distributors and commercial users of halogenated solvents, which are used in the drycleaning and textile care industries.
IDC. International Drycleaning Congress
USA. Organization for the global drycleaning and textile care industries focusing on information exchange, standardization and spreading of good will.
NLM. National Association of Institutional Linen M
Non-profit professional organization, providing a network for information exchange and knowledge transfer for companies and employees in the hospitality, healthcare and institutional laundry industries.
SARTEX. Swiss Association for Textile Marking
Switzerland. Non-profit organization, governing the development and implementation of general principles, descriptions and definitions of care and fiber content labelling in the textile industry. English, German and French.
SEFA. South Eastern Fabricare Association
USA. Regional trade association for drycleaners and launderers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, active in education, training, legislative issues, publication, technical consulting and commercial assistence.
TCATA. Textile Care Allied Trades Association
USA. International trade association, representing manufacturers and distributors of drycleaning and laundry equipment and supplies.
TLMI. Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute, Inc
USA. Trade organization for converters and suppliers in the North American tags and pressure sensitive labels industry. Trade events and conferences. Comprehensive overview of US anti-trust laws.