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A Compact Guide to Sorting and Searching
By Thomas Niemann.
An Improved Comb Sort with Pre-defined Gap Table
The original comb sort is vulnerable to seriously degraded performance with certain repetitive input sequences. This variation addresses those problems and bounds worst case performance.
Compact Guide to Sorting and Searching
Algorithms and data structures. Source code in C and VB is included. Demonstration applets in Java.
Dictionary Implementation using Red and Black Tree
Documentation of a C++ project by Dogan Can and Serdar Kemal Balci.
Discussion of Sorting Algorithms
A web tutorial by Mark Baker.
Fast Median Search
Overview of algorithms to find the median in a list of values; implementations and links are also provided.
Sorting by in place permutation with time complexity O(n) using an auxiliary vector. Papers, animations and implementations.
GNU libavl
Details of this collection of binary search tree and balanced tree library routines by Ben Pfaff. Etext in HTML/PDF/PS and source distribution.
Levenshtein algorithm for error-tolerant search
Resources on the Levenshtein Algorithm for fault-tolerant search. Website contains online demos and efficient implementations.
Parallel and Sequential Sorting Algorithms
An explanation of the sorting algorithms Quicksort, Heapsort, Shellsort, Mergesort, sorting networks such as Odd-even transposition sort, Bitonic sort and parallel sorting algorithms for two-dimensional processor arrays. All including animations.
Postman's Sort
A linear time general purpose sorting algorithm. Included is a description of the algorithm and downloadable executables for Windows computers.
Robsort Sorting Algorithm
An O(n!) algorithm with downloads for Win98 and Unix platforms.
Infers a hierarchical structure from a sequence of discrete symbols. Site includes examples, source code, description, publications, and an on-line demonstration.
sortchk - A Sort Algorithm Test Suite
A simple test suite to measure the costs (in terms of needed comparisons and needed data moves) of different sorting algorithms. Source and various unix binaries.
Sorting algorithm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Classification, summaries of the popular sorting algorithms, links.
Sorting Algorithms
Explanation, algorithm analysis, empirical data, and source code for the bubble, heap, insertion, merge, quick, selection, and shell sorts.
Sorting and Searching Algorithms: A Cookbook
A web text by Thomas Niemann, also available in PDF, with C source code examples.
Suffix Tree
ANSI C implementation of E. Ukkonen's algorithm that makes it convenient to do string matching against a data set in O(N) time. Includes source code, an interface in Perl, and a write-up.
Ternary Search Trees
Algorithm for search. PDF file and examples in C.
Three Dimensional Bubble Sort
A specification of a new 'bubble sort' in three or more dimesions, with illustrative images.
Understanding SoundEx Algorithms
Article describing and discussing the SoundEx searching algorithm and enhancements to make it more accurate. Includes SoundEx conversion form and Open licensed source code in C, JavaScript, and Perl.
A Java implementation of the Wealthy Adaptative Search Algorithm, a constraint-solving algorithm using a stochastic approach. Sourceforge/GPL.