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Conferences and Events
Past, Special Track on Uncertainty, FLAIRS 2001, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
Projects and Systems
ADVOCATE, BAT (Bayesian Automated Taxi) project, DINA (Danish Information Network in the Agricultur, Heart Disease Program, Machine Vision Based Traffic Surveillance, ProbSy, READY: Resource-adaptive Dialog, SERENE: Safety and Risk Evaluation using Bayesian , Systems for Automatic Customer Support Operations
BayesBuilder, BayesiaLab, Bayesian Belief and Decision Networks Applet, Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer, Bayesian Network Toolbox (BNT), Bayesian Network tools in Java (BNJ), Bayesline, Belief Net Power Constructor, BUGS - Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling, CleverSet, Inc.
A Brief Introduction to Graphical Models and Bayes
Kevin Murphy's tutorial, including a recommended reading list.
An Introduction to Bayesian Networks and Their Con
A survey and tutorial by Daryle Niedermayer - covers material on Bayesian inference in general and selected industrial applications of graphical models
Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intellig
Main association for belief network researchers. Runs the annual Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) conferences, and the UAI mailing list.
B-Course - Dependence and classification modeling
A free, interactive tutorial on Bayesian modeling, in particular dependence and classification modeling.
Bayesian Network Repository
Maintained by Gal Elidan - over a dozen publicly available networks with documentation, in several popular interchange formats
Belief Networks and Variational Methods : Amos Sto
Dynamic Trees are mixtures of tree structured belief networks, and are used as models for image segmentation and tracking.
Belief Revision
Software, publications, teaching material, and news on belief revision - from the Business and Technology Research Laboratory at the University of Newcastle, Australia
Cause, chance and Bayesian statistics
Briefing document with a short survey of Bayesian statistics
Daphne's Approximate Group of Students (DAGS)
Daphne Koller's research group on probabilistic representation, reasoning, and learning at Stanford University
Decision Systems Lab (DSL)
Research group at the University of Pittsburgh with links to books and software on probabilistic, decision-theoretic, and econometric graphical models
LAPLACE Group - Bayesian Models for Perception, In
Probabilistic reasoning and genetic algorithms for perception, inference and action: Bayesian cognitive and brain models, software for robotics, probabilistic inference engine
Learning Bayesian Networks from Data
Slides and additional notes from a tutorial by Nir Friedman and Daphne Koller on automated learning of belief networks, given at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-2001) conference
Qualitative Verbal Explanations in Bayesian Belief
Paper about combining probabilistic models and human-intuitive approaches to modeling uncertainty by generating qualitative verbal explanations of reasoning.
Query DAGs: A Practical Paradigm for Implementing
Article published in JAIR (Journal of AI Research) about a way to implement belief networks by compiling networks into arithmetic expressions and then answering queries using an evaluation algorithm.
UConn list of Bayesian Network Resources
Eugene Santos' lists of belief network research, papers, and systems.