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Aptronix Fuzzy
Company: FIDE(TM) - Fuzzy Inference Development Environment
Fuzzy Itnelligence Technologies Inc.
Designs and devlopes software applications that provide Fuzzy computational intelligence to business and industrial applications or improve the computational intelligence of exisisting applications by adding Fuzzy intelligence components.
Fuzzy Logic for 'Just Plain Folks'
Fuzzy logic : list of books (through Amazon)
Complete Repository for Fuzzy Logic Applications, including Application Notes, Simulation Software, and Teaching Materials
MathWorks - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
a leading developer and supplier of technical computing software (MATLAB), incl. the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, among other math products.
Technical Reference * Fuzzy Logic
Leading manufacturer of process measurement and control products for the scientific, municipal and industrial markets.
softcomputing and microcontroller development tools
Xiera Technologies Inc.
Maker of FuzzyTune a multi criteria global optimizer and fuzzy knowledge base generator and tuner.