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Bibliography on Genetic Algrorithms, Black Box GA, Cell Matrix Corporation, Crystal Ball Pro, ENCORE, Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures, Evolvica, Franck Binard's Evolutionary Computing Exampl, GA Playground, GA-search
Bibliography on Genetic Programming
A nearly complete bibliography of papers published on genetic programming. Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.
Digital Genetic Research Group
A research group at the University of Idaho that explores and attempts to understand properties and limitations of the evolutionary process.
EuroGP 2002
5th European Conference on Genetic Programming, 3-5 April 2002: Kinsale, Ireland.
EVALife's BBase
A literature search engine on Evolutionary Computation and related topics including more than 20000 references.
Events on Artificial Intelligence
List of artificial intelligence conferences, including genetic algorithms.
Uses genetic algorithms to try and evolve an online encyclopedia.
eXtreme Genetic Programming
Applies the concepts of evolution to both software and the software process.
GAUL: Genetic Algorithm Utility Library
A programming library designed to aid development of applications that use genetic algorithms.
GECCO 2002
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2002, 9-13 July 2002: New York, NY. A recombination of GP-2002 and ICGA-2002.
GECKIES: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation KSU
A group of graduate students in the Department of Computing and Information Sciences at Kansas State University with an emphasis to genetic programming.
Genetic Programming Applied to Text Classification
A graduate-level paper that applies genetic programming to text classification, specifically, filtering e-mail. Available in PDF format only.
Genetic Programming at University College London
FAQs, people, software, links, conferences, publications, interactive genetic art and music.
Genetic Programming Bibliography
A large single file containing an extensive genetic programming bibliography. Lacks a search function.
Genetic Programming in C++: Implementation Issues
Chapter 13 of Advances in Genetic Programming, Edited by Kenneth E. Kinnear, Jr., MIT Press, 1994.
Genetic Programming in C/C++
Explains the paradigm of genetic programming, and its implementation in the C/C++ programming language.
Genetic Programming Inc.
A privately funded research group that does research in applying genetic programming.
A definitive source of information about the field of genetic programming with links and conferences.
Genetic Programming 1996 Conference, July 28-31: Stanford University.
Groovy Java Genetic Programming
Genetic Programming (JGProg) is an open-source pure Java implementation of a strongly-typed Genetic Programming experimentation platform.
Interactive Truck Demo
Demonstrates the use of genetic algorithms in solving the trailer truck backing up problem.
International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary
Promotes the creation and exchange of knowledge on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation and their application.
JAGA: Java API for Genetic Algorithms
Java API for implementing any kind of genetic algorithm and genetic programming applications quickly and easily.
John R. Koza
Inventor of genetic programming and author of numerous published papers on genetic programming at Stanford University.
Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory
Contains information about Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory and papers published by researchers here.
Simple Symbolic Regression Using Genetic Programmi
Java applet based on an algorithm of John R. Koza.
Symbolic Regression Applet
Contains a Java Applet for symbolic regression using GP. It allows the import of data and the export of the resulting equations to spreadsheet applications like Excel.
Teamwork in Genetic Programming
Thesis and software demonstrating teamwork in genetic programming. Simulates evolving software emulating ants and collective behavior.
The Genetic Programming Notebook
A comprehensive directory and tutorial for genetic programming. Includes conferences, researchers, journals, software, and papers.
Toolkit for Visual Genetic Programming
A GP toolkit for exploring problems which don't have a natural fitness function and need human intuition to select the "best of the breed."