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"Applying Case-Based Reasoning"
Contents of book by Ian Watson, on Morgan Kaufmann Publishers site. Can order online.
"Progress in Case-Based Reasoning"
Order form for the Proceedings of the 1st United Kingdom Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, held in Salford, UK in January 1995.
AAAI CBR Resources
Books, Proceedings, Electronic Resources, Mailing Lists/Newsletters, Web sites.
Featured papers, researchers and projects, links to CBR people, research centres and projects, along with a comprehensive guide to software tools, a searchable online bibliography, virtual library, and a mailing list.
Artificial Intelligence and Case-Based Reasoning (
Affiliated with the Laboratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) at Kansas State University - emphasis on open-source software for AI and CBR
CADET - Case-based Design Tool
"System that aids conceptual design of electro-mechanical devices and is based on the paradigm of Case-based Reasoning." Project information, members, publications.
Case-based Reasoning website of the IIIA
This is the website for all R&D work related to Case-based Reasoning (CBR) performed on the Institut d'Investigació en Intelligència Artificial (IIIA).
Case-Based Reasoning: Experiences, Lessons, and F
Home page for the AAAI Press book, edited by David Leake. Includes the table of contents and a link to an on-line version of the chapter "CBR in Context: The Present and Future," a tutorial and overview of case-based reasoning research and applications.
CBR for Accumulating System Expertise
CBR is proposed as a basis to support recognition-primed decision making by system operators. A conceptual architecture that uses case-based reasoning as a source of control expertise is offered to support operations planning and automatic control. Published in 1995 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
CBR: Foundational Issues, Methodological Variation
"This paper gives an overview of the foundational issues related to case-based reasoning, describes some of the leading methodological approaches within the field, and exemplifies the current state through pointers to some systems." Published in 1994 in AICOM (Artificial Intelligence Communications).
CMU AI Repository: CBR Area
Direct link to CBR software and materials in the CMU AI repository.
Creating User Interface Components by CBR
"helps a developer to select an application menu from a set of menus that are appropriate for the developer's project. It then inserts that menu directly into the developer's project. This paper uses CBR in creating user interface objects to achieve software reuse in a very effective and simple way." Published in CHI96.
EWCBR94: References
List of authors and paper titles from the 2nd European Workshop on CBR (1994).
Imaging procedure selection and CBR
Abstract of paper about use of CBR in radiology (selecting diagnostic imagery techniques).
Improving Accuracy by Combining Rule-based and Cas
Abstract for full paper, PDF full text available. "An architecture is presented for combining rule-based and case-based reasoning." Published in Artificial Intelligence in 1996.
Intro to CBR
Short intro includes information about technical issues, applications, suitability conditions, tools, and related websites and mailing lists.
ML & CBR Folks
A list of home pages for people in machine learning and case-based reasoning.
University of Massachusetts - Amherst CBR Group
Information about research, publications, abstracts, and personnel.
Visualization In CBR
Presents software and a master's thesis on new visualization methods in CBR, part of a framework that aids in establishment and employing new CBR systems.