english deutsch
Abido, Mohammad
Assistant professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Includes description of his research areas.
Carlisle, Anthony J.
Associate Professor at Huntingdon College. You can download his papers at the site.
Eberhart, Russell C.
One of the founders of particle swarm optimization. IEEE fellow
Engelbrecht, Andries P.
Computational Intelligence Research Group, University of Pretoria. Research is done in theoretical aspects of PSO and developing new improved PSO models.
Fukuyama, Yoshikazu
His research interests include application of intelligent systems to power systems and power systems analysis. Some of his papers can be downloaded from the website.
Hu, Xiaohui
PhD student at Purdue University, research focus is biomedical data analysis and computational intelligence, especially particle swarm optimization.
Kennedy, James
One of the founders of particle swarm optimization. research psychologist at bureau of labor statistics
Lascari, Eleni
Eleni Lascari's Homepage, Personal information, scientific links, publications, game theory, particle swarm, stochastic optimization, evolutionary algorithms
Mohan, Chilukuri
Professor at Syracuse University, research interests include evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks.
Parsopoulos, Konstantinos
Ph.D. candidate, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece. CV, Publications, particle swarm, Parsopoulos
Shi, Yuhui
Researcher in Particle swarm optimization, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation.
Sinclair, Mark C.
Research interests include telecommunications network design, evolutionary algorithms, bbject technology, software agents. you can find a java applet that shows how pso works.
van den Bergh, Frans
PhD Student at University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is working on some enhancements to the basic Particle Swarm Optimizer
Xie, Xiao-Feng
Evolutionary and learning algorithms, such as genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution (DE), hybrid algorithms, for nonlinear programming problems and the relations to self-organization of complex systems.