english deutsch
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Systems Engineering and Automation. Teaching, research and resources.
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Department of Telecooperation.
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Institute for Practical Computer Science (System Software Group).
Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Department of Information Systems. Research areas include active object-oriented databases, object-oriented development, distributed information systems and hypermedia document management.
University of Salzburg
Department of Scientific Computing. Research areas cover high dimensional number theoretic numerics, image and video processing, parallel processing, automated theorem proving and artificial intelligence, foundations of abstract signal processing, computer science and society, theoretical physics, integral and differential equations, and neural networks.
University of Salzburg
Department of Computer Science. Research includes satellite based internet applications, robotics and MBone.
Vienna University of Technology
Computer Science Department. Research areas include real-time systems, VLSI design, automation, pattern recognition and image processing, distributed systems, databases, artificial intelligence, knowledge based systems, programming languages, applications of formal logic, algorithms, visualizations, cooperative work, social cybernetics and software engineering.